
shift cipher code(이동 암호 코드) Encrypted

ª_ª 2018. 9. 25. 10:04

shift cipher(이동 암호)란?

고전암호에서 이동암호와 치환암호로 구분할 수 있습니다. 그중에서 이동암호는 각 문자를 규칙에 따라서 변경시킵니다. 예를 들어서 "Hello world"가 있는데 이것을 오른쪽으로 3칸 이동시켜 암호화 하고 싶다라고 한다면 알파벳이 3칸씩 움직여서 "Khoor zruog"라는 결과가 나오게 됩니다. 그리고 알파벳 외에 문자는 바뀌지 않습니다. 숫자 or 특수문자 등


1. shift cipher 암호화 하기(Encrypted)

아래 문장을 암호화 해보겠습니다.

History of Google

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The Google company was officially launched in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin to market Google Search, which has become the most widely used web-based search engine. Page and Brin, students at Stanford University in California, developed a search algorithm – at first known as "BackRub" – in 1996. The search engine soon proved successful and the expanding company moved several times, finally settling at Mountain View in 2003. This marked a phase of rapid growth, with the company making its initial public offering in 2004 and quickly becoming one of the world's largest media companies. The company launched Google News in 2002, Gmail in 2004, Google Maps in 2005, Google Chrome in 2008, and the social network known as Google+ in 2011, in addition to many other products. In 2015, Google became the main subsidiary of the holding company Alphabet Inc.

The search engine went through numerous updates in attempts to combat search engine optimization abuse, provide dynamic updating of results, and make the indexing system rapid and flexible. Search results started to be personalized in 2005, and later Google Suggest autocompletion was introduced. From 2007 Universal Search provided all types of content, not just text content, in search results.

Google has engaged in partnerships with NASA, AOL, Sun Microsystems, News Corporation, Sky UK and others. The company set up a charitable offshoot, Google.org, in 2005. Google was involved in a 2006 legal dispute in the US over a court order to disclose URLs and search strings, and has been the subject of tax avoidance investigations in the UK.

The name Google is a variant of googol, chosen to suggest very large numbers.

출처: google wikipedia history 


1부터 26까지 숫자를 사용해서 암호화를 할 수 있습니다.

Mnxytwd tk Lttlqj

Kwtr Bnpnujinf, ymj kwjj jshdhqtujinf

Ozru yt sfanlfyntsOzru yt xjfwhm

Ymj Lttlqj htrufsd bfx tkknhnfqqd qfzshmji ns 1998 gd Qfwwd Uflj fsi Xjwljd Gwns yt rfwpjy Lttlqj Xjfwhm, bmnhm mfx gjhtrj ymj rtxy bnijqd zxji bjg-gfxji xjfwhm jslnsj. Uflj fsi Gwns, xyzijsyx fy Xyfsktwi Zsnajwxnyd ns Hfqnktwsnf, ijajqtuji f xjfwhm fqltwnymr – fy knwxy pstbs fx "GfhpWzg" – ns 1996. Ymj xjfwhm jslnsj xtts uwtaji xzhhjxxkzq fsi ymj jcufsinsl htrufsd rtaji xjajwfq ynrjx, knsfqqd xjyyqnsl fy Rtzsyfns Anjb ns 2003. Ymnx rfwpji f umfxj tk wfuni lwtbym, bnym ymj htrufsd rfpnsl nyx nsnynfq uzgqnh tkkjwnsl ns 2004 fsi vznhpqd gjhtrnsl tsj tk ymj btwqi'x qfwljxy rjinf htrufsnjx. Ymj htrufsd qfzshmji Lttlqj Sjbx ns 2002, Lrfnq ns 2004, Lttlqj Rfux ns 2005, Lttlqj Hmwtrj ns 2008, fsi ymj xthnfq sjybtwp pstbs fx Lttlqj+ ns 2011, ns fiinynts yt rfsd tymjw uwtizhyx. Ns 2015, Lttlqj gjhfrj ymj rfns xzgxninfwd tk ymj mtqinsl htrufsd Fqumfgjy Nsh.

Ymj xjfwhm jslnsj bjsy ymwtzlm szrjwtzx zuifyjx ns fyyjruyx yt htrgfy xjfwhm jslnsj tuynrnefynts fgzxj, uwtanij idsfrnh zuifynsl tk wjxzqyx, fsi rfpj ymj nsijcnsl xdxyjr wfuni fsi kqjcngqj. Xjfwhm wjxzqyx xyfwyji yt gj ujwxtsfqneji ns 2005, fsi qfyjw Lttlqj Xzlljxy fzythtruqjynts bfx nsywtizhji. Kwtr 2007 Zsnajwxfq Xjfwhm uwtaniji fqq ydujx tk htsyjsy, sty ozxy yjcy htsyjsy, ns xjfwhm wjxzqyx.

Lttlqj mfx jslflji ns ufwysjwxmnux bnym SFXF, FTQ, Xzs Rnhwtxdxyjrx, Sjbx Htwutwfynts, Xpd ZP fsi tymjwx. Ymj htrufsd xjy zu f hmfwnyfgqj tkkxmtty, Lttlqj.twl, ns 2005. Lttlqj bfx nsatqaji ns f 2006 qjlfq inxuzyj ns ymj ZX tajw f htzwy twijw yt inxhqtxj ZWQx fsi xjfwhm xywnslx, fsi mfx gjjs ymj xzgojhy tk yfc fatnifshj nsajxynlfyntsx ns ymj ZP.

Ymj sfrj Lttlqj nx f afwnfsy tk lttltq, hmtxjs yt xzlljxy ajwd qfwlj szrgjwx.

key값을 5를 사용해서 암호화한 결과입니다.

이렇게 암호화를 하게 되면 처음보는 사람은 이게 무슨소리인지 알수가 없습니다.


2. 이동 암호 코드(shift cipher code)

비주얼스튜디오 2017에서 C언어로 구현했습니다. 


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